ATTN: “Pie In The Face Day”
Posted on by C.O.G.S., Incorporated
To all Sellbot employees stationed in the Organics & Biofuels District and/or Sellbot HQ,
If you are reading this, you have just checked in at approximately 7:00 AM on November 27th. Toons collectively refer to this as “Pie In The Face Day.” This crass celebration correlates with a heavy increase in traffic to the Senior Vice President’s promotion ceremonies, which also correlates with an increased number of disguised Toons, which, in summary, correlates with an increased number of necessary repairs to the Senior Vice President’s chassis by the Suit Safety Inspection Association.
The Senior Vice President has personally requested more information as to the cause of these inflated figures, and the cause appears to lie in the increased number of IOUs provided by an undisclosed employee of the Toon Resistance frequently charged with trespassing on Sellbot grounds. Due to the nature of November 27th as a Toon holiday, this serves as an incentive for Toons to destroy company property.
Mr. Bravecog has proposed that all Sellbots in the immediate area concentrate their patrol routes near his location to prepare for further Toon duplicity. However, upper management has issued a statement regarding his proposal:
“Due to the necessity of maintaining the Sellbot Factory’s infrastructure and the ongoing ambush marketing plans in the Organics & Biofuels District, employees will remain where they are until further notice."
Postscript: Any deviations from the time allotted above (7:00 AM) upon clocking into your office will be noted by the Factory Foreman and will result in reduced paychecks. You will receive a fax regarding further disciplinary actions if any prior violations have been noted.
Notes from the Corporate Clash Crew
Happy Pie In The Face Day, everybody! In celebration of throwing pies into all sorts of metalhead faces, we wanted to dedicate today to the Cog whose face has been blessed with a prodigious amount of pie, the Sellbot VP.
For today only, we’re going to be offering a VP rewards booster! That means each battle will reward Toons with +1 extra IOUs after each successful VP battle! Whew. Take advantage of this golden opportunity and throw some fruit pies in the big man's face!