An Important Update About Our Rules

Posted on by The Corporate Clash Crew

Hello everyone, we are Corporate Clash's Moderation Team! We ensure our game is a safe space for the community, making sure everybody plays nice and has a good time! We're always working behind the scenes to make sure Corporate Clash stays peaceful.

Effective today, we have published a revised edition of our in-game rules page. The previous iteration was outdated, missed some information, and was not as transparent as we'd like. This blog post will cover the main changes made in this update.

Click HERE to view the current in-game rules.

Alterations & Tweaks

Starting off, we've made rule 1's section on discrimination into its own rule. Besides us not tolerating discrimination against one's race or religion, we also do not tolerate discrimination toward anyone's age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socioeconomic status, nationality, personal appearance, or sexual identity and orientation. We want Corporate Clash to be a safe space for those who come from all walks of life. This amendment to Rule 1 should make it clear that we will not tolerate bigotry or discrimination in-game.

We've also highlighted the Risk in sharing your account with other people. You can risk gaining a permanent ban should you have ever shared an account with a user who has received a permanent ban of their own. As a reminder, Corporate Clash does not condone nor encourage the sharing of accounts.

Keyboard macros are now considered prohibited third-party software for use in-game. We've also made it clear that you can't request personal information from others in-game.

To help us process reports, we have now clarified that we will require image and/or video proof for certain behaviors, such as hacking.

Repeated Name Submissions

All Toon names are manually reviewed by our (human) Moderators. We've noticed a trend where, if a name submission gets denied, the submitter will retry in hopes of getting it accepted by another Moderator. If you feel we rejected your name submission in error, please email us at, or submit a ModMail ticket in our official Discord to provide further context.

As listed in these new rules, if you continue to resubmit a name rejected before, you may receive a temporary name submission lock. Please do not game the system - it takes away valuable time from our volunteer Moderators who would just like to play the game like you!

Common Reporting Mistakes

We've noticed some users have been misusing the reports system by submitting false cases. Below, we have listed a few common false reports we receive. These do not break our rules, so we ask that you don't report anything related to them.

  • Non-malicious LGBTQIA+ Toon/Club Names

As earlier stated, we've made it very clear that Corporate Clash is a safe space for people of all kinds. Both Toon and Club names with terms like "Gay" and "Transgender" in them are completely acceptable to use in the game.

  • Non-malicious neurodivergence/disability-related Toon/Club Names

The Moderation Team will permit Toon or Club names with terms like "Autistic" or "Disabled" in them within reason.

  • Being kicked from a group without malicious intent

Players may get kicked from groups for valid reasons. Other group members may think your Gags or Laff aren't high enough for a fight, or that they're just not comfortable with you. As long as the kick is communicated respectfully and does not break our other rules, we will not take action against the group leader.

  • Alternative strategies in battles / boss fights

Some players may have a different strategy compared to more popular ones in boss fights. This can include: not bringing a certain Gag track to a boss fight, or having an alternative play style for a department boss's active round (e.g. Cog feeding, craning). So long as these don't make anyone go sad, the Moderation Team considers these strategies to be fine!

  • Specialized Gag Builds / Amount of Gags

Some other players equip specialized builds, like stocking only one Gag track. It isn't required for players to use all their training points, and that's okay! Ultimately, it is all players' responsibility to ensure others in their group have the Gag builds they want to run with. If you don't want to play with Toons with specialized builds, you're free to not play in groups with them, or kick them from your own.

  • Multi-Tooning

Multi-Toon controllers are not considered prohibited third-party software under rule 8. Yet, this is also a semi-frequent report reason we see, so we've decided to list it here anyway just in case.

We understand that most players make reports without malice, and we encourage reports even if you aren't sure if they break the rules! However, if we find players maliciously abusing the system, they may receive an infraction.

Off-Site Conduct

We've also added a new rule to protect our players from malicious actors. Any players found engaging in significant misconduct outside our services that may threaten the safety of our players or our staff are subject to termination from our services. You may find the full list of what falls under these terms under rule 20.

If you ever find someone in-game to be engaging in harmful activity, or anything else listed under this section of our rules, please email our Support Team at or make a ModMail ticket in our official Discord with as much information you can provide as possible. The Moderation Team will investigate any claims received, and will take action as necessary.

Please remember that due to privacy and compliance reasons, we aren't always able to update the reporter on the report's progress and/or outcome.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you take actions on users for false reports? Why not ignore them?

False and malicious reports end up clogging our system, wasting our time and resources to deal with more important cases. This is behavior we'd like to discourage as much as we can, and an infraction is the best way to communicate that idea.

To clarify, we will only take action against false reporters who frequently abuse our report system, and/or have malicious intent (e.g. reporting as targeted harassment). We are grateful for the vast majority of your reports!

The off-site behavior rule seems over-reaching. How will the off-site behavior rule affect me?

We will not take action against off-site behavior, unless we believe that not taking action will put our players in significant harm. This only applies in the most extreme of cases (where often real-world laws may also be broken) and we do not take these kinds of decisions lightly. The wellbeing of our players is our highest priority, and we will only take action if this is threatened.

I have a question that's not listed here. Is there any place I can ask for further clarification?

Of course! If you have questions that still needs to be answered, we'd love to help you out! Just send us an email to, or submit a ModMail ticket with your question in our official Discord under the #contact-us channel. Please note that you must be 13 years or older to create a Discord account.


We'd like to thank you for taking the time to read this blog post! We hope this provided a clear insight into why we've made these adjustments and additions to our rules. If you have any questions or problems, don't hesitate to reach out to us at or by opening a ModMail on the Official Discord!