A Letter From Santa Paws
Posted on by Santa Paws
Hello there, Toontown!
Looks like I’m the one writing a letter for a change. Neat, huh?
It’s once again that time of year: Toonsmas! I’m just as busy as ever, getting presents prepared for all you good Toons out there. I’ll tell you, packing hundreds of gifts can wear this old dog out. From what I hear, though, you’re just as busy defending said gifts from the Cogs! The good folks of Toonseltown have told me some stories about the work you’re doing; geez, I don’t know how you do it!
So, as thanks, I've decided to get you two small gifts.
Firstly, a few of your fellow citizens sent me a Toonsmas card of their own, and asked that I, "distribute it to whomever I see fit." I don't see a reason why it shouldn't go out to everyone, as I know these Toons are very high on my nice list. They must be friends with all of you anyway, right?
Secondly, I commissioned a poster of your heroic feats, and printed it to share with all of you! I kept a copy for myself as well. Consider it a memento of all the snowball fights you’ve waged against those no-good bots...and that you continue to wage this year, I'm sure!
Now, if you'll excuse me , there's still a lot to get done, so I'll close out here.
I'll see you all on the 25th!
Santa Paws
Notes from the Corporate Clash Crew
Merry Toonsmas, everyone! We're excited to bring you our annual Toonsmas update, complete with ToonTasks and Caroling! Present Thief is also back in Toonseltown, where brave Toons defeat hoards of gift-stealing Cogs to win exclusive prizes! The festivities in Toontown runs until the 12th of January, so be sure to pay Toonseltown a visit!
We've also created a new poster and a postcard for you to enjoy, which you can download below:

Check out the latest patch notes HERE: https://corporateclash.net/releases
Have a great holiday season!