Happy Holidays! Saint Bernard here wishing you all a very merry Toonsmas!
Have a sip of hot cocoa, Toon. I am sorry if it is cold, to be honest, I am a little overwhelmed. Everyone in Toonseltown has been busy wrapping presents with Santa Paws this year. We still haven’t figured out how to wrap the dirt for Bert.
I know it is almost Toonsmas, but perhaps you could help me spread some holiday cheer? You will? That’s the spirit!
We have a very special Toonsmas spirit visiting this year and between wrapping presents and hanging the stockings, I haven’t had the time to properly welcome them. Would you please give them a warm welcome for me and help them out? I heard they have some presents for you as we-
-Saint Bernard!
-Oh hey Pepper Minstix! Did you finish wrapping that bicycle yet?
-Um, yeah about that, we may have a slight problem.
-Don’t tell me Rudolph ate the wrapping paper again.
-No. The Cogs have found their way back to Toonseltown and they are stealing all the gifts!
-By golly! Not again! Round up all the Toons to stop those present thieves!
Ah, yes the new visitor. I bet they would love to hear about Toonsmas Caroling. The shopkeepers in Toontown have set up another set of riddles for you to figure out. If you are able to solve them, you will get a festive snowman head! I am afraid I am going to have to go now, Toon. The sleigh needs fixing!
Thank you again for your help. Merry Toonsmas from all of us in Toonseltown!
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