Beta v1.2.5
Count Erclaim
- Count Erclaim is once again back to haunt Toontown!
- Find his abode on Polar Place and take him down!
- Perhaps this year, he's itching to spread his wings...
- Count Erclaim will no longer award Toons with Cog Summons, but gives slightly more materials as compensation.
- Trick-or-Treating is back, with brand new cheesy effects as voted upon by the community!
- Check out our social media platforms for the riddles!
- Elphabat is once again selling Halloween items, taking up shop in The Brrrgh playground.
- With the addition of genderless clothing, Elphabat is now selling more items than ever to all Toons!
- Elphabat's shop has been reorganized.
- Similar clothes will now be on the same page.
- Color variants only take up a single slot, and have smaller arrows for navigating between variants.
- The Shkraftbooking page is back for converting jellybeans into materials.
Bat-tle Pass
- Hexadecimal, Elphabat's sister, is waiting for you in The Brrrgh!
- Collect Batcoins (the new Crypt-o-currency) from nearly any activity in the game!
- Fishing, racing, golf, trolley, Trick-or-Treating, table games, or fighting Cogs will give your Toon several Batcoins.
- Progressing through the Bat-tle Pass will reward you with several unique clothes and accessories!
Battle Music Listener
- Introduced a new backend system to expand the music capabilities of street, Cog HQ courtyard, and Cog HQ facility battles!
- The Battle Music Listener adds functionality for specific Cogs (when they're in battle) to play a specific theme instead of the normal one for the zone!
Options Page
- Added an option in the Options page to change the channel configuration for audio.
- Toontown should now adapt to different audio setups, such as using Surround Sound or 7.1.
- Disabled the Legacy Content Pack filter by default as it was causing unintended side effects.
- You can re-enable this option in your Options page, but it is considered an experimental setting, and may have unexpected issues.
- Added an "Accessibility" tab in the Options page.
- Boss Visual Indicators has been moved to this tab.
- Enable Filters has been renamed to YOTT Filters and moved to this section.
- All clothing in the game has been made genderless!
- Any Toon can wear any pair of shorts, any skirt, and any accessory.
- To reflect this change, the option to pick a gender has been removed from the Make-A-Toon, and replaced with a toggle for eyelashes on the "Choose a Type" page.
- Toons have been given 1 (one) free redraw so that everyone can enjoy this change.
- Several clothing items have had their names changed as well.
- Toon bodies have gotten an HD rework!
- All Toon torsos and legs now have revamped models and HD textures!
- Added new SpeedChat phrases to allow Toons to convey their pronouns.
- The Clothing section in the Shtickerbook has been overhauled with a brand-new Wardrobe!
- Quickly navigate all of your clothing and accessories, and see them before you wear them!
- Introducing Outfits, a quick way to save and load any clothing style you desire.
- Search through your clothes and accessories easily.
- Added a Controls option for "Live Searching," which updates the search results as you type.
- This option also toggles live searching on your Friends List.
- You can randomize all of your clothes and accessories at the click of a button.
- Full undo and redo support.
Picnic Games
- Picnic tables and games are back! Go over to the Minigame area to play!
- Enjoy classics such as Checkers, Chess, and.... TOONO!
- A new Minigames SpeedChat category has been introduced for when you are in the Minigame area.
ToonHQ Leaderboards
- Added a new leaderboard type, Cogs Defeated!
- Compete against other Toons by defeating Cogs to earn a place on the leaderboard.
- Count Erclaim's leaderboard makes a return as well.
Roadster Raceway
Racing has been improved drastically!
- Toon Battle now supports up to 8 Toons in the same race.
- Toons have more firepower in races!
- Lightning: Slows and shrinks down all other racers.
- Quicksand: A slippery placeable Trap.
- TNT: An explosive placeable Trap.
- Cream Pie Slice: A non-homing projectile that splats your opponent's kart, slowing them down and making it harder for them to see.
- Pixie Dust: Several seconds of increased mobility and invincibility.
- Cog Teeth: A homing projectile that targets first place, exploding on contact.
- Anvil has been removed.
- The items you can receive in a race now depend on your current placement.
- Tickets have been discarded entirely, in favor of using jellybeans for transactions.
- Both race deposits and Kart Shop prices have been tweaked to reflect this change.
- Any leftover Tickets will be converted into jellybeans and mailed to your Toon.
- Racing trophies have been improved.
- Some of the trophy requirements have been tweaked.
- The Grand Prix trophies, formerly unobtainable, have been replaced with 8-player wins/qualifies and gags used.
- It's now possible to get all 30 trophies!
- Racing XP has been completely reworked from the ground up.
- Several Trophies have had their XP reward boosted.
- You no longer receive an XP multiplier based on which kart you have.
- Kart types are now merely aesthetic.
- XP earned from using gags in a race has been buffed, with diminishing returns.
- Direct experience from racing has been buffed as well.
- Improved networking in order to reduce Toon jitteriness in a race.
- Kart handling and collisions have been improved.
- Kart collisions have been improved tremendously as well.
- You no longer lose all of your velocity when colliding into another kart or a wall.
- The wall riding bug has been fixed.
- All of Roadster Raceway has new music!
- The Roadster Raceway playground has received various visual adjustments.
- Revealed the once-hidden hay bale and tomato crate props located on the Rural tracks.
- The props near the Kart Shop are no longer floating in the air.
- The trees have had their drop shadows corrected!
- Some of Roadster Raceway's props have been remodeled and re-textured.
- The Roadster Raceway playground tunnel has received various graphical tweaks.
- Various graphical tweaks to background props in the playground.
- Various graphical and model adjustments that should increase performance decrease and load time.
- Practice Races now have gag boxes.
- Several memory leaks regarding racing have been fixed.
- The global race time leaderboards have been wiped. Go set new records!
- Tactical Thursday now replaces Trolley Tracks on the weekly holiday rotation.
- While this holiday is active, all department experience is increased by 25%!
- All Trolley games have had their jellybean calculations reworked significantly to balance them out across the board.
- Additionally, several trolley games have been given various improvements overall.
- Race Game
- You can now play Race Game in singleplayer mode.
- Each row now spawns a second card marker.
- The card jellybeans have been buffed significantly.
- Race Game has been given a proper environment, along with some texture upgrades.
- ...and other surprises for you to discover!
- Cannon Game
- After a player lands in the fountain, the rest of the players have 20 seconds in order to place for maximum beans.
- If you don't land in this timeframe, you only earn 50% of what first place gets.
- Tag Game
- The treasures are now worth more initially, but the rewards will decrease as you gather them.
- Match Game
- You can now play Match Game in singleplayer mode.
- The number of rounds has been increased between Daffodil Gardens and Drowsy Dreamland.
- You are now rewarded for partial progress each round.
- Maze Game
- Some of the maze game tokens are now special, worth 5x their regular value.
- Toon Slingshot
- Landing consecutive shots will now net you a streak bonus.
- Toon Memory Game
- It is now easier to earn a large bonus from having a low flip count.
- Matching a pair with a glowing card now nets 6x the beans per match (originally 2x).
- Jungle Vines
- The treasure count now accurately reflects how many jellybeans you'll earn.
- Catching Game
- The fruit models have had their texture pallets organized.
- The apple model now uses a higher quality model.
- The acorn model now uses the Acorn Acres treasure acorn.
- Fixed a graphical issue with the cherry model being reversed.
- Ice Slide
- Time spent sliding around on ice has been drastically decreased.
- The tick-up animation for points is now shorter.
- Treasure and TNT values have been adjusted.
- Cog Thief
- You now obtain a jellybean bonus based on how many barrels you keep alive.
- Fixed an issue where Cog spawns weren't properly randomized.
- The size of the pie has been increased.
- Race Game
The C.E.O.
- Dissatisfied with his losses against the Toons, the C.E.O. has taken up an offer from the Chairman to... Just kidding.
- But, several tweaks have been put in place to make the final phase less frustrating and more interactive overall.
- Conveyor Snacks
- The conveyor snacks now gives 3x as much Laff Points.
- Conveyor belts are no longer blocked when the C.E.O. enters reorg/downsize. Instead, their output rate slows down.
- Golfers
- Golf damage is now based on how strongly you charge the shot.
- The C.E.O. is more likely to attack golfers.
- The chance to stun the C.E.O. has been increased.
- The cooldown between firing golf shots has been reduced drastically.
- Movement
- When there are no Toons on a table, the C.E.O. will move to a random one.
- The C.E.O. no longer gains speed after hitting a Toon.
- The C.E.O. now gains speed upon being stunned, and upon switching phases (e.g. entering reorg/downsize).
- The C.E.O.'s max speed now scales to his tier.
- Tweaks
- Other Toons will no longer block your Seltzer shots.
- A Toon getting hit by a C.E.O. attack that was not directed at them will now only take 25% of the damage.
- All of the banquet Cogs are now consistent across clients.
- Bossbot Department Experience has been reworked, and should be easier to obtain.
- Conveyor Snacks
Gag Balance Changes
- Trap Gags
- Trap has been reworked, both in main functionality and prestige!
- Trap now has a natural damage boost against Executive Cogs, dealing 30% more damage to any Executive, regardless of prestige.
- In addition, Trap's prestige is no longer based on Cog level, instead granting a 20% damage boost to any Cog with 50% or more remaining health.
- Most Trap Gags have had their damages buffed.
- Rake: 30 to 35
- Springboard: 45 to 50
- Marbles: 65 to 75
- Quicksand: 90 to 115
- Trapdoor: 140 to 160
- Wrecking Ball: 200 to 220
- TNT: 240 to 280
- Throw Gags
- Throw's prestige has been reworked!
- Prestige Throw no longer provides a direct damage bonus whatsoever.
- Prestige Throw will now apply the status effect "Marked for Laugh" to Cogs.
- Marked for Laugh applies a damage vulnerability debuff onto the targeted Cog.
- This debuff starts at 8% and climbs up to 20%, based on number of Prestige Throw's used in one turn.
- Marked for Laugh lasts for two turns.
- Marked for Laugh can only be reset if a stronger debuff is applied by using more Prestiged Throw gags at once in a later turn.
- Marked for Laugh is represented visually by pie splats.
- As such, Unprestiged Throw will no longer apply visual pie splats.
- All Throw Gags have had their damages buffed.
- Cupcake: 7 to 8
- Fruit Pie Slice: 11 to 13
- Cream Pie Slice: 18 to 20
- Birthday Cake Slice: 30 to 35
- Whole Fruit Pie: 45 to 50
- Whole Cream Pie: 75 to 90
- Birthday Cake: 110 to 130
- Wedding Cake: 145 to 170
- Drop Gags
- Reduced Drop's combo damage.
- Old: 30% / 40% / 50%
- New: 20% / 30% / 40%
- Prestige Drop now gives a 10% bonus to combo damage per prestige Drop used, as opposed to 5%.
- Additionally, Prestige Drop's Accuracy bonus has been boosted to 15%, but now only applies when a single Drop gag is used on a Cog.
- Reduced Drop's combo damage.
Community Suggestions
Last year, we opened a public Suggestions channel on our game's public Discord, where the community has been able to vote for their favorite suggestions! Since then, we've received thousands of potential game suggestions. These are the suggestions we've implemented for this release. Thank you for constantly helping us make Corporate Clash as good as it can be!
- The battle UI now shows what Cogs will be hit by Zap jumps, in addition to how much damage they'll deal.
- This UI is rather experimental, and may have some issues in very specific scenarios. Please be sure to report them!
- Jump damage indicators on the UI may be disabled by disabling the new Battle Information option.
- Cogs have a lot more to say when they defeat Toons in battle.
- Certain Cogs now have unique responses when an attempt is made to befriend them.
- Many, many NPC Toons have a lot more to say when you talk to them.
- Several NPCs have swanky new styles!
- Several minibosses are now hidden in the Cog gallery until encountered.
- Skipping the V.P. cutscene will now skip Rain's dialogue afterwards.
- Rain in the V.P. now rewards one additional more SOS.
- Mata Hairy now tells Toons every Unite they earned in the C.F.O battle.
- SOS and Unites that are rewarded are now equal for all Toons in their respective fights.
- Pies no longer show their splats on Cogs that are defeated with large Drop gags.
- Springboard now has a quick death animation.
- The Restoration Station can now be interacted with, even if the player cannot afford anything.
- Overhead Laff meters are now disabled in boss victory cutscenes.
- Tweaked Toon speech garble to be Cog garble when Toons are in Cog suits.
- The progress meters on the Doodle tricks UI now show total progress for the trick, rather than between Laff boosts.
- Tweaked nearly all Cogs' hand colors.
- Changed the "TRAPPED" battle text to red instead of green.
- Added the ability to pick up snowballs from the large snowpile in the Brrrgh year-round.
- Note that you can't take them out of the Brrrgh, however.
- Added the ability to right-click a gag to instantly lock-in in battle.
- If you have Lock-In enabled by default, then right-click will instead do the opposite and not automatically lock-in.
- This applies to most battle options as well, such as Pass, Fire, calling SOS, etc.
- Added key descriptions to the key bindings page.
- Added Toon Tips for Lawfice puzzles.
- Added several more Fish Bingo boards.
- Added Gag track descriptions on the Gag Training page.
- Added back the rollover on the Gag UI that tells you how much experience is required to unlock the next gag.
- Discord Rich Presence now supports Cog Buildings, Racing, and Count Erclaim.
- The Online information displayed on the Avatar Panel has been reorganized.
- Added new SpeedChat phrases to the Catalog. How many? IT'S OVER 90!
- The Megaphone gag has received a Toon-up and now contains 25 new jokes!
- Resource gains, such as Jellybeans, Batcoins, and the various Shkrafting Materials, now count-up how many you've earned on the left side of the screen.
- Other Toons' pie splats now show up on your game client once again.
- You no longer receive a message when somebody on your Friends List unfriends you.
- Female Skelecogs now have unique voice sound effects.
- New death sounds have been added for female Cogs, Skelecogs, and female Skelecogs.
- Added new elevator themes to the Derrick Man, DOLA, and DOPA boss battles.
- The DOLA has gotten new cutscene, battle, and victory themes as well!
- Merits in facilities are now shared across all Toons, regardless of battles completed by each Toon.
- For example, if you and a friend split up on the Factory Silos, both you and your friend will get the merits from both Silo battles.
- A new GUI element has been added in facilities to show merit progress through the facility.
- When using the default control layout, WASD and Spacebar can be used alongside Arrow Keys and Control to move.
- With this, the ability to type a message without initially pressing the Chat Key has been disabled by default.
- This is done to improve first-time experience, as many new players to Toontown: Corporate Clash are not accustomed to the default control schema.
- For those who would like to chat without pressing the Chat Key, these changes can by disabled by changing the default Chat Key from (T) to any number.
- Cog spawns have been reworked in buildings/bosses for greater variability in levels.
- Gag XP in a Cog Building now uses the highest floor for its multiplier, rather than the floor you're currently on.
- Single track Restock SOS will no longer always fill your inventory.
- Restock All SOS will now initially load your gag preset, and then fill your inventory afterwards.
- This fixes the issue where saving an empty gag preset would cause Restock All SOS to entirely empty your inventory.
- All system messages, invasion messages, level-up notifications, daily task messages, etc. now show in the chatlog.
- The street signs in the Acorn Acres playground have been adjusted for enhanced readability.
- Adjusted the exterior look of the Gag Shop in every playground.
- The Gag Shop in Toontown Central now has a back wall.
- Some of the Gag Shop exterior textures have been given updated texture palletes.
- Golf now rewards Toons with jellybeans.
- Introduced a new chat filtering engine that improves backend performance as well as fixing some false positives.
- If you notice anything wrong with your messages, please let us know by sending an email to!
- The Minigame hub has received several visual improvements and optimizations.
- Various adjustments have been made to the Drowsy Dreamland skybox when in a Cog building.
- Many shopkeeper interiors have a new ceiling installation!
- Flippy's "Come in!" sign has been updated to match his current appearance.
- Bert added dirt to all the flower planters in Toontown.
- Added missing "Let's go fight the Overclocked C.L.O.!" SpeedChat phrase.
- Various asset cleanups have been made in our phase files.
- Some texture palettes have been aggregated into one file to reduce the loading time in certain areas.
- Many textures have been optimized in resolution and file size.
- A list of textures that have been changed can be found on this document.
- Fixed a bug where using several Lightnings would cause permanent darkness.
- Fixed several task dialogues in Ye Olde Toontowne where the shopkeeper would send Toons to the wrong street.
- Fixed an animation bug related to the Toons seen in the Pick-a-Toon background.
- Fixed a graphical bug with the band hat only rendering one side of the model.
- Fixed the distortion as seen from the back of a Lawbot Cog building.
- Fixed many occurrences of Toon heads and accessories appearing while using pumpkin/snowman head effects.
- Fixed an issue where the wrong Toon level would display on the avatar panel with a .EXE Cog suit on.
- All mentions of Toons and Cogs in the game have been properly capitalized.
- Minor text fixes, including many ToonTask typo fixes.