
Beta v1.4.0 (August 4th, 2023)

Boss Rewards

  • Unites are now awarded from all bosses in addition to their exclusive reward. Unite rewards are as follows:
    • V.P.: 2 Unites
    • C.F.O.: 2 Unites
    • C.L.O.: 4 Unites
    • C.E.O.: 4 Unites
    • Overclocked C.L.O.: 7 Unites
    • The only way to increase Unites given by Cog Bosses is the Surplus Sunday boss reward boost, which will increase Unite rewards by +1.
      • In other words, Boosters do not increase Unites given.
  • For the C.F.O., a new boss reward has been added: Counterfeits!
    • These allow you to forge a Gag, adding +1 to its quantity in your Gag pouch. They can be used once per battle for each Gag.
    • Forging a Gag does not take up your turn.
      • For example, you could choose to Forge a Wedding Cake and use a Boulder in the same turn.
    • The number of Counterfeits used is equal to the forged Gag's level.
    • For Manager fights that allow the use of Counterfeits, we've adjusted the cooldown to help this reward not be too powerful for lower tier fights. Cooldowns will function as follows:
      • The highest level Gag allowed in the fight will have a cooldown of 2 turns.
      • The second and third highest levels will have a cooldown of 1 turn.
      • Level 8 Gags will always have a cooldown of 3 turns and level 7 Gags will always have a cooldown of 2 turns.
      • For Gags not listed, they will have no cooldown to Forge in battle. However, you can still only Forge each Gag once per battle.
  • Gag-Up Unites have been removed.
    • Existing Gag-Up Unites will be converted into Counterfeits. Toons will gain 4 Counterfeits for every Gag-Up Unite they currently own.

Bossbot HQ

  • Cog Golf Courses have been shortened!
    • The Front Three -> Silver Sprocket Course, with 2 floors.
    • The Middle Six -> Golden Gear Course, with 4 floors.
    • The Back Nine -> Diamond Dynamo Course, with 6 floors.
    • These courses should award around the same Stock Options as the courses they replace.
  • The Bossbot HQ Courtyard and the Cog Golf Courses have received a new suite of music!


  • In battles where Toons can't normally run away, there is now a "Surrender" button!
    • Pressing Surrender will initiate a vote among the group.
    • If all members of the group vote to surrender, then the group will collectively flee the battle.
    • In department bosses, all members on both sides of the battle must vote yes to surrender to be able to flee.


  • The damage value of Trap Gags in the active round have been slightly increased.
    • Quicksand: 90 -> 115
    • Trapdoor: 140 -> 160
  • The C.L.O. will now land in a random position after falling through a Trap instead of always landing in the middle of the arena.
    • A large indicator has been added to indicate where the C.L.O. is about to land.
  • The C.L.O. has borrowed a weaker variant of the Defense Specialists from the Overclocked C.L.O. fight to prevent constant stunlocking.
  • Department Experience gains in the C.L.O. fight have been moderately increased.

Overclocked C.L.O.

  • Various balance changes have been made the Overclocked C.L.O. fight to make it more engaging, including moderate balance changes to the Litigation Team.
  • The randomized drop location that was added to the standard C.L.O. fight has also been added to the Overclocked C.L.O.
  • Three brand new loot drops have been added to each member of the Litigation Team!
    • Each manager will drop their respective sticker, as well as two returning drops from the Break the Law event.
      • Some of these returning drops have received updated looks and names.
    • Toons will have a chance to earn drops from all four managers each time they complete the Overclocked C.L.O. battle, regardless of what managers they fought.
  • Our Content Design team is aware that the achievement "Defeat the Overclocked C.L.O. with two Toons or less" is currently realistically not achievable with this update.
    • We have plans to address this achievement at a later date.

Regional Managers

  • The Kudos managers have some new tricks up their sleeve!
  • Major
    • Gatekeeper has put up her defenses!
    • Bellringer's work environment has gotten bombastic!
    • Mouthpiece has begun sharing her freshly baked cookies for all to enjoy!
    • Multislacker is just a little bit lazier than before.
    • Major Player is now switching up his show routine.
  • Minor
    • Firestarter has simmered down a little... sort of.
    • Rainmaker is feeling a little more sad than usual.
    • Witch Hunter has slightly re-sharpened his previously double-dulled pitchforks.
    • Plutocrat and his lackies are now generating 15% more dough through money laundering and pizza sales!
    • Chainsaw Consultant's firmware has been updated to the most recent version.
    • Pacesetter has tuned a singular string on his guitar.
  • With Unites being awarded from all department bosses, Unites are now available for use in Bellringer and Rainmaker's fights.

Mezzo Melodyland

  • The Mezzo Melodyland playground has gotten a visual Toon-Up!
    • For Content Pack creators: The playground, props, and the Toon HQ have been repalettized to allow for more customization and better performance.
  • The spinning piano in the playground no longer spins around.
    • In its place, some fancy drum trampolines have been added to make it easier to jump up to the outer ledge of the playground.
    • Relevant Tasks and rewards that previously relied on the piano have been updated to utilize the new drum trampolines.

Gag Accuracy

  • Gag accuracy now works off of a soft cap system.
    • Accuracy will soft cap at 95% (except Drop, which still soft caps at 96%.)
    • After the soft cap, accuracy bonuses will still add towards your final accuracy, but at 1/10th effectiveness.
      • For example, a Throw Gag with an overall accuracy of 100% will result in a final accuracy of 95.5%.
    • Accuracy will hard cap at 99%. This value can be reached at 135% overall accuracy for most Gags, and 126% overall accuracy for Drop Gags.

Cog Buildings

  • Cog Buildings no longer award double Merits when completed during a Cog invasion.


  • Toons will now receive a notification that outlines the Group Tracker and how to use it when they are about to fight the Derrick Man as part of the Toontown Central Taskline.
  • Toons will now properly be given a warning dialogue box when attempting to leave an area that would cause their Group to disband as the owner of the Group.

Daily Tasks

  • You'll now only receive 1 Daily Task a day as opposed to 3.
    • You can still store up to 3 Daily Tasks total.
  • Daily Tasks have had their gumball reward increased to 150!
  • Daily Tasks should now be a bit more difficult across the board.
  • Added in extra sanity checks to ensure rerolling your Daily Task doesn't result in the same Task again.


  • For the most dedicated Clubs, member capacity upgrades up to 75 are now available for increasingly exorbitant prices.
  • Club Task difficulty, reward, and reroll price will now take into consideration members who have recently left the Club.

Discord Rich Presence

  • Discord Rich Presence has received a major refresh!
    • You should notice more locations and many updates to previous locations to reflect the current state of the game.


  • Added a dialogue box to indicate that Clothing Shops are not currently available.
  • Added the "/volume current" Shortcut to list current music and sound effect volumes.
  • The Unite button will now have a Content Sync icon to indicate that they are not available during synced fights.
  • Updated the visuals of the C&D and Pink Slip icons.
  • Damage number text will no longer be darkened by environment color scaling, such as in the Major Player fight.
  • Toons who are AFK in battle will now have a label above their Toon panel to indicate as such.
  • Waiters in the C.E.O. battle now wear white suits, while executive waiters will wear the previous black suits.
  • The Pet Shop exteriors in most playgrounds have been touched-up and graphically optimized.
    • For Content Pack creators: All Pet Shop exterior textures can be found in the respective playground's folder within the phase files.
  • Most street tunnels have recieved various visual and performance touch-ups.
  • Streets have received some minor optimization tweaks.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some major cleanup issues with visual effects in battle.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause Reward Cooldowns to not properly apply visually when using an IOU, C&D, or Pink Slip.
  • Fixed cannons from using Pink Slips sometimes not cleaning up properly.
  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause the clouds to stick around from the Monsoon phase of the Rainmaker fight.
  • Fixed some audio issues that could occur after going sad in the Witch Hunter fight.
  • Fixed a visual bug related to Multislacker's Hypertask.
  • Fixed a rare crash when going sad in the Chainsaw Consultant's fight.
  • Fixed an issue in the "Snowglobe Emergency!" Kudos Task where the Task asks the player to visit the wrong shopkeeper.
  • Implemented another fix for strange Toon dropshadow desync issues.
  • Fixed multiple visual bugs with one of the Lawfice room layouts.
  • Fixed fog sometimes disappearing from the Bossbot HQ Courtyard.
  • Fixed the wrong battle music playing in the Cashbot HQ and Bossbot HQ courtyards after finishing a facility.
  • Minor text fixes.

Beta 1.4.0 (Hotfix August 4th, 2023)


  • Fixed a crash related to fishing in the streets.
  • Fixed a crash when a player runs from a Mouthpiece battle then rejoins the same battle.
  • Fixed an issue where the Surrender button was being shown in the Toontorial.
  • Minor text fixes.